
What You Need to Know about Salesforce Connections 2024

Discover the latest trends in digital marketing at Salesforce Connections 2024, taking place May 22-23, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. With the theme "The moment of data and AI where everything fits together," this event is designed to reinvent marketing, commerce and customer experiences through artificial intelligence.

What to do after the implementation of Marketing Cloud?

In this blog post, we recap the webinar "You Have Marketing Cloud.... Now What?" presented by Orange Digital CX and DESelect during which we explored the essential next steps after implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC). We highlighted how DESelect acts as the perfect bridge between the basic and advanced SFMC modules, allowing users to optimize audience segmentation without the need for complex SQL queries.

How to start with Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Where to start with Marketing Cloud? What to do after you implement Marketing Cloud? With these training, change management and strategic planning strategies, you'll be ready to optimize your experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Don't miss the opportunity to take your marketing to the next level.

Unlocking the Potential of Salesforce Marketing Cloud with DESelect: Simplifying Code-Free Segmentation

Learn about the benefits of DESelect: an application for Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Also, register for our next Webinar in partnership with DESelect and get even more out of this tool.

Digital Marketing in the Insurance Industry: Why insurers need to upgrade?

Brief introduction on the importance of digital marketing in the insurance industry and the need to adopt new strategies to stay competitive in an ever-changing environment.

Boost your career as an insurance agent: the digital trends you need to know!

Discover how technology is revolutionizing the world of insurance agents and brokers in the digital age. We'll explore the latest trends and strategies for making the most of digital tools, with a special focus on Salesforce Marketing Cloud. From personalizing customer interactions to optimizing the sales process, you'll learn how to propel your insurance business to success in the digital world. With real success stories and practical tips, this guide will help you master digital marketing and stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Getting Started with Salesforce Data Cloud: A Guide for Businesses

Find out how to start using Salesforce Data Cloud to power your business with data analytics, marketing automation and personalization. We tell you how it works, what features it includes, and what benefits it can bring to your business.

Data Cloud: What is it and what is it for?

Discover Salesforce Data Cloud, a comprehensive solution to efficiently manage and analyze data. Leverage its powerful capabilities to personalize the customer experience and improve your marketing strategies. Join our webinar "Data Cloud 101: Discover the Power of Real-Time Data" on February 29th at 12 pm CDMX. Register now and take your knowledge to the next level.

3 Accessibility Rules to Improve Your Email Communication

On this occasion, Ro, our Marketing Champion, will share his experience to help you discover how to improve your email communication by applying these 4 rules of accessibility. Optimize your digital communication and make every email count!