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5 Steps to Identify My Target Market

In the competitive business world, knowing your target market is critical to maximizing your sales and optimizing your marketing efforts. Here's how to do it effectively.

1. Collect Data from Different Sources

Use a variety of information sources to get a complete picture of your market:
  • CRM: Extract data about your current customers.
  • Web Analytics: Observe visitor behavior on your website.
  • Social Networks: Analyze interactions and comments.
  • Surveys: Collect direct feedback from your customers.
  • Industry Reports: Review relevant studies and trends.

2. Segment Your Audience

Dividing your customers into segments will allow you to personalize your sales strategy:
  • Demographics: age, gender, income, education.
  • Geography: Location, climate, urban or rural area.
  • Psychography: Lifestyles, interests, values.
  • Behavior: Purchase habits, brand loyalty, product usage.

3. Create Ideal Customer Profiles

Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers based on segmented data:
  • Name and Demographics: Humanize your target customer.
  • Needs and Wants: What problems they have and how your products can solve them.
  • Shopping Behavior: How and where they prefer to shop.

4. Uses Analysis Tools

Employ analysis tools to interpret data and gain valuable insights:
  • Dashboards: Visualize key metrics at a glance.
  • Charts: Understand trends and patterns of behavior.

5. Adjust Your Marketing Strategy

With data and profiles in hand, tailor your marketing campaigns to be more effective:
  • Personalization: Send relevant messages to each segment.
  • Appropriate Channels: Use the channels where your audience spends the most time.


Identifying your target market is a crucial step for the success of your business. By using data strategically, you can better focus your resources and maximize your sales.

Contact Orange Digital CX

If you are interested in discovering how data can transform your business and how Salesforce Data Cloud and Orange Digital CX can help you get there, contact us today!

Let us help you turn your data into strategic decisions and maximize your sales.



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