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The Future of Marketing: Trends 2024 that every marketer needs to know about

Since 2023, we have started to see more accessible technological advances. By this we mean that we have learned to use their functions easily, both for the operation of companies and for personal matters in our day-to-day lives. One example of this that you have most likely heard of is the case of chatbot applications with artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. However, these advances can also be seen in different tools.

One of the big trends we may see in 2024 is that less technical work is now required to generate more content. Technological advances will make content creation easier than ever. This means that high-quality results will require less and less prior knowledge about the tools used in the creative process.

Even by 2023, 52% of video content creators reported using artificial intelligence within their process. 

As a result, your creative team can now save the training, time and even investment that was previously required. This trend makes it easier for companies to operate, but it also presents different challenges because, just as it is now easier to create content, it will be harder to find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Creating content is easier than ever

In addition, we can observe a trend towards the automation of automation of processes. For example, in the area of digital marketing we can now spend less time writing and sending emails, segmenting them, and we can even leave them programmed in advance. Different jobs that used to be facilitated by new technologies can now be completely operated by them.

A great benefit that provides you with Orange Digital CX is that it gives you the opportunity to focus on creating innovative strategies and creativity, freeing you from technical responsibilities as we take them on for you.

Let's also remember the importance of brands being multi-channel. This is one of the trends that remain and with which we enter this new year. Although it was previously possible to separate types of content and differentiate them by channel, users now expect congruence from a brand across all its communication channels. In other words, we must find a way to combine the different types of communication to convey the same message. However, this does not mean publishing the same thing on your different social networks, for example. We could put it as translating your brand into the language of each of the different channels. Here at Orange Digital CX we focus on helping you convey the same unified message to the different channels that are relevant to your brand.

It is time to innovate


As a result of these trends, it can be seen that in 2024 the brands that will have an advantage are those that go beyond their limits and capture the attention of the market. Users love to see content that is different, and it is important for brands to position themselves in the market. You will see a lot of experimental content, and rarely should you go for minimalism. It is important to keep innovating constantly, which is one of our goals at Orange Digital CX.

Along with this, this year immersive experiences will begin to be observed much more. Within these, an environment is created where the user has the feeling of fully interacting with a specific environment or activity. We know that these types of terms may not be so easy to understand unless you live them, but we have a great example. On November 30, 2023, more than 50 guests gathered for a unique experience: an immersive demonstration that showed the power of Salesforce Marketing CloudThe demo took attendees through customized messaging and campaign strategies, exploring a world of possibilities to enhance their digital strategies. In addition, in real time, we discovered the results on a landing page created at Salesforce Marketing Cloud of an interactive survey via WhatsApp, taking the experience to the next level.

Customization for the win

Hyper-Personalization in Retail: How to Know Your Customer and Increase Your Business - Retalon

Finally, personalization will be of paramount importance in the content we produce this year. The aforementioned trends will probably lead us to have a sea of content. The way to differentiate will be to have personalized content that speaks directly to the user. We must start thinking about audiences as part of their own experience and consider them in the creation process. At Orange Digital CX we are here to make sure your content is targeted to cover the right channels, with the most appropriate style and use relevant data to achieve this specifically to your user.

In conclusion, 2024 looks to be a transformative period in the realm of content creation and business operation. Accessible technological advances have changed the path to greater ease in content generation, decreasing the need for prior technical knowledge. But this shift not only saves time and resources, but also poses challenges in creative differentiation. So you will also see the need to know your user perfectly to be able to generate personalized content that reflects a unified message across different channels.

In this new year, Orange Digital CX emerges as a strategic ally, with which you can focus on your strategy and creativity, leaving the technical side to us and offering you customized solutions that adapt to your specific needs so that you can stand out within the dynamic environment that is to come, and thus reach your business goals.



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